The Sober Butterfly Podcast
The Sober Butterfly – A fun, unfiltered podcast for sober & sober-curious women! 🦋✨
Hosted by Nadine Mulvina, NYC-based content creator and sober travel expert, this podcast explores sober dating, alcohol-free living, harm reduction, addiction recovery, and mental health—with humor and honesty.
Expect real talk on:
✔️ Navigating sober dating & relationships
✔️ Thriving socially without alcohol
✔️ Sober travel & alcohol-free experiences
✔️ Harm reduction & recovery stories
✔️ Non-alcoholic drinks & sober events
Whether you're sober, sober-curious, or rethinking alcohol, The Sober Butterfly is here to inspire you. Subscribe now and join the sober revolution!
The Sober Butterfly Podcast
The Ultimate Sober Traveler's Checklist
In this episode of the Sober Butterfly podcast, host Nadine shares comprehensive packing tips and essential items for sober travelers. Nadine details her vacation essentials aimed at maintaining a peaceful mind, physical wellness, and social ease while on trips. She emphasizes the importance of intentional packing, setting pre-trip reflections, and utilizing tools like travel journals, meditation apps, and exercise gear to stay grounded. Alongside practical advice, Nadine discusses maintaining sobriety through personal affirmations and support networks, and recommends engaging in creative activities. The episode also includes a promotion for the drink brand Moment, highlighting its benefits for sober travelers. Nadine concludes by sharing plans for a rejuvenating break and how listeners can stay connected with her on social media.
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Hello and welcome to the Sober Butterfly podcast. I am your host, Nadine, and if you're new here, welcome. I'm so excited to be talking today all about the ultimate sober travelers checklist. I'm going to devote this episode to sharing just some packing tips with you guys, packing with intention and how to decide what's essential because there's just so much noise. And as a chronic overpacker, I really had to learn to be mindful of what I'm actually bringing and how it will serve me on said trip. I'll be touching on how to stay sober while embarking on a trip tools and resources to support your sobriety while traveling and then just some other, like, must have items. I think are really relevant for today's topic.
the-sober-butterfly_8_08-18-2024_093037:Okay. Let's get into it. So I've been to like 15 countries, sober, maybe more. I have to make a list, but I've definitely done quite a bit of traveling in my three sober years. So here's how you can pack like a pro. My vacation essentials for a sober traveler, starting with Essentials for a peaceful mind, because we know mind over matter, you have to have a strong mind, especially in the sober world. And when you go into the world, as a sober person, we like to emphasize the importance of routine, right? People, places, things, we know triggers play a role when it comes to impacting our sobriety. So it's really important that you have a sound mind going into your trip and you want Preserve that peace. Right? So here are three essentials. I'm recommending for maintaining a peaceful mind on your trip. No matter where you're going. I don't care if you're going to Ibiza or if you're going on a sober tree in the middle of the desert. These are essentials. Starting with. A travel journal, even if you don't journal in your day to day life. I mean, that's crazy. You should be journaling, but a journal serves as a really powerful tool for reflection, for mindfulness, for personal growth. And before you even head out on your trip, you can actually do a pre trip reflection and set some intentions. So in a recent episode I did with Michelle plant, And that episode I'll link in the show notes, we talked about solo trips versus group trips as a sober traveler, and which is more valuable depending on who you are. Michelle argues that group travels where it's at. But what I loved in that episode is Michelle was talking about. Intentions, right? Like, why are you taking this trip? What do you hope to gain from this experience? So you want to be really clear and set some specific intentions, such as staying mindful, maybe embracing a new experience, deepening your sobriety like, getting super clear in terms of why or what you hope to get out of that trip before you even embark on said trip is extremely helpful I think for me as a very visual person, it's almost like I'm manifesting or affirming the type of trip I plan on having. I don't care how woowoo you think that sounds. I'm telling you right now, like seeing. Your trip coming to fruition is pretty much how you even book the trip, right? Like you had a vision in mind. That's why you're going on the trip. So it's not far fetched to think that you should also map out and set some clear intentions about what you hope to get out from that trip and get super visual. Get super niche and think about details. Like where are you? Are you sitting on the beach? What, what are you drinking? Like, tell me what's in your cup, like, what are you seeing? Whatever views, like, literally get a, as detailed as possible. and then this is also a good opportunity for you to set some goals for yourself. So you can list any personal goals you have for this trip, like. Maybe you want to try new activities. Maybe you want to meet other sober locals or go to specific sites. And then I think the last part of this pre trip reflection is affirming that, like, actually writing down some affirmations or mantras that will help you stay grounded and focused on your sobriety. Those are, uh, Really essential. For setting the tone for how your trip will be. It's like, how do you plan to show up like how I go into the vacation if I'm rushing to get to the airport, which guilty if I am stressed because I can't remember if I packed everything I needed to because I was last minute. That kind of sets the tone for how I'm going into that trip. Like my cortisol is through the roof. I'm already worried that I don't have what I need. And it's like, babe, if you had done the pre work before the trip, that would have helped lead to a more successful trip. So the same can be applied to journaling. And then while you're on your trip, there are some daily Entries you can write in your journal, so I recommend bringing a journal on your trip and it doesn't have to be like, a super. Extensive journaling exercise where like you're spending 30 plus minutes a day journaling, no, you're on vacation, you're on a trip. Maybe you don't have time for that, but I can argue you probably can find five minutes a day to journal. So I would start with the date and location. So where are you today? You can do a mood, an energy check-in. How are you feeling physically, emotionally, mentally, Share some highlights. So what have been the best moments of your day? And then you can describe in detail any new experiences or insights. Challenges. Challenges can be really helpful for identifying triggers or potential triggers. did you face any challenges today? And then if so, how did you handle them? Gratitude, you know, guys, I'm big on gratitude. So just sharing. A few things that you're grateful for today, and then focusing on the positive aspects of your trip and sobriety. And then, lastly, I would recommend carving out a space for sober wins. So, celebrating any sober victories, no matter how small, if you're in a group setting and someone has a beer and you don't, that's a sober victory, if you order a mocktail or you resisted a trigger record these moments, like those are sober wins and we want to be able to write those down and reflect at a later date, how we were able to deal with those. So that's my 1st essential for you guys. Make sure you pack that travel journal and then. I would recommend also having some kind of meditation app or playlist readily available on your device. I know a lot of sober people feel a way about the airport and I get it. Like airports are not the best ecosystem for sober people and I've shared this before on the podcast. It feels like everything goes out the window. Like, the airport is a no man's land where you can day drink and no one's judging you. Literally, it can be 9 a. m. and the bars are open and people are already sloshed because, Yeah, it's the airport, I would recommend, especially in those maybe high risk areas, making sure that you have some, some kind of playlist or app that will help you maintain mental clarity and calmness. I don't get triggered at the airport so much, especially now. three years into my sobriety, but I always have a good playlist going. I always know how I can access certain resources if needed. So I would recommend having some kind of meditation app or playlist, or this goes to my last thing, reading material. I just went to my favorite bookstore in New York, The Strand, yesterday to re up on some reading materials for this trip. I also bring my Kindle. I would recommend having some inspirational books or sober memoirs to stay motivated and engaged. You can also download Audible, a sponsor of this podcast. Use my code, which is embedded in the show notes and get an entire free month of Audible. This is great for the plane as well. You can just listen to a book or a podcast, whatever your preference is as you take. Your trip. Those are my essentials for maintaining a peaceful mind moving on to essentials for physical well being so my essentials for physical wellness are related to Three different things. Okay. These are simple. You want to grab your healthy snacks. Make sure you're packing nutritious snacks Avoid the unhealthy temptations, you know, you're going to be eating whatever you want on this trip and you deserve to eat whatever you want on this trip. But it's also important to pack some healthier things because I feel like when I put good things into my body, I feel better. I'm less stressed. Everything is connected to my sobriety, right? Like, the more relaxed I am, the less temptation there is, right? I think also to give you a taste of normalcy, make sure you have those snacks readily available, um, water bottle. This seems really basic, but I always pack everything. My own Hydro flask. sometimes it helps me save money because water is expensive, especially at the airport. we just know it's super important to stay hydrated, especially when you're traveling the plane really drives you out. So I always have my water bottle. Don't put it in your checked bag. Keep it in your carry on or your personal bag. Luggage and then exercise gear. So I'm going away for 2 weeks this time, but I've gone away for a longer length of time. I've gone away for last time. Of course, in general, I always pack these 2 things when I'm taking a trip. So I always pack, lightweight workout essentials, like my resistance bands. They weigh nothing. They weigh nothing. They take up zero space in my bag but yet they have such an impact So I'm a Pilates girl. I love to do my little workouts Even when I'm abroad I will play a YouTube video and the bands just really help add extra layer extra layer, I also bring my balabangles, so basically they're like ankle weights, and they are like a pound a piece, so I wear them, I wear them. will never take up unnecessary pounds in my luggage, but I wear them around my ankles or sometimes on my wrist. And it just helps me feel like, especially if I'm walking through the airport or as I'm commuting from, you know, different places as I'm traveling, I will wear those. And it just really layers up how I feel. I feel like I'm doing that. Just that little extra that goes the distance. So yeah, those are the two things I always pack with me no matter what. And then of course I'll bring my running sneakers because I'm a runner I don't rely on gyms or studios. I rely on my legs and I run. So that's what I'll be doing this trip. And so those are the three essentials I always pack. I have my resistance bands, my Bangles and my running shoes. Okay, so moving into our next segment, here are my essentials for social situations. first and foremost, going on a two week trip, I really tried, you guys, I really tried to bring just a carry on, just my away carry on bag, but it's not gonna happen. It's just not. Like I have too many looks and my girlfriend, God bless her. Kim, if you're listening to this, I'm traveling with her for this trip. And she was like, sending me Tik TOK videos of capsule wardrobes and like really trying to get me to lean into this idea of like, all you need is three shirts and three pants and three shoes. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, it's just not going to work. It's just not going to work for me. So I'm packing. A Checked luggage. i'm bringing my extra large july checked bag, And I like it because it's pretty lightweight and I can stuff a bunch of crap in it But I am leaving some room for shopping But this is essential. I promise it's related to what i'm talking about. So this is essential because I can now bring my favorite non alcoholic beverages with me. I feel like most places that I've traveled to have non alcoholic options. So I realized that like when I go to Greece and Turkey, there'll probably be, hopefully be mocktails on the menu, but just in case, I'm prepared. Your girl is prepared. And so I always pack my favorites. Some of my favorites include, so I prefer to do cans because it just makes it easier to pack. Throw them in my luggage and not worry about them breaking or spilling all my clothes. So I always do Gia. Gia is probably like the number one thing that I pack. I love their aperitifs. Their cans are super cute and just easy to throw into my bag. I I also do the St. Agristus cans. They're really yummy as well. I'll throw in some ish recess has some good cans. fake Leah. Who else do I like? Oh, this swap. And those are like my go to's. Oh, I'll do AB athletic brew. I'm not. I'm not drinking so much beer, summer. China stay snatched. But if I do that, like that's my typical go to or bravas is good as well. Anyway, whatever cans you can get your hands on, pick your favorites, throw them in your suitcase. Thank me later. I also like to pack games. Once again, for social situations, I also like to pack card games. So, for this trip, I'm bringing Uno. I'm bringing just a deck of cards. I also have We're Not Really Strangers, which is a card game where you pull prompts and you get to like, Interact with people on deeper levels. Like they're more than just icebreakers. They're kind of like deep topics that force you to think and share. And so, yeah, those are the 3 cards that I'm bringing and then I love to make stuff. I also like to pack for social situations, creative projects. I'm going to bring some paint because You guys painting with your friends is so much fun. So I'll bring my paint set and yeah Those are like the things that I would bring in social situations, especially if other people are drinking I think it's really nice to have some kind of project that you'd be working on. I recently started beading I'm learning to crochet. I'll be bringing my beads with me not my crochet because I just don't think I'll be crushing on the strip, but the beads, like, imagine beating on the beach. That's so cute. Like, making little, like, friendship bracelets or, Trinkets for yourself. Yeah, bring in my beads. What else, um, yeah, just bring things that you think that will fuel your creativity, I think one of the best parts of my sobriety has been unlocking my creative side. Regressing back to childhood in a really positive way and defaulting to projects and little creative things I used to like to do as a girl has been a hidden treasure of sobriety. I will be making things on this trip. Okay, so moving into essentials for staying connected. So we know how important having some kind of support network is and community in regards to a sobriety. I'm just going to encourage you to stay in touch with your sober network, whether that's through an app schedule calls, or email. Online meetings in real life meetings, because you can find meetings, depending on where you are traveling. There are support resources out there. I will link. Some in the show notes for anyone who's looking for specific resources, obviously, it depends on where you're going, but there are a lot of networks available. Everywhere in the world, when it comes to sobriety, so making sure that you find. Support. as needed is also recommended. Another thing I'm going to recommend here are just personal affirmations. I have mantra cards. I know I sound like a crazy woman, but sometimes I need something visceral, something tangible for me to be able to hold on to, to reference, I should say. So like, yeah, I pack those two. It helps me stay grounded, helps me stay focused.
And now a quick word from our partners. It really feels like you're having a moment, pun intended, when you're sipping on the lovely and refreshing moment. Now what I love about moment is that not only does it taste delicious, I have my favorite flavors. I love the blood orange. I love the spicy mango, but it's also good for you, which is exactly what I need in my life right now as I'm in my early 20s. 30s. It's infused with L theanine, which is great for mental clarity. It also is packed with ashwagandha, which is great for helping to fight stress. It's made with all of these natural botanicals, which really enhances your vitality. It does not contain any added sugar. It's It's caffeine and of course alcohol free and you can purchase it in still or sparkling. I love a good sparkle moment so that's typically the route I take. In the morning it's great for a boost to start the day versus in the afternoon if you want to beat that afternoon slump and enhance your mental clarity. Or if you just need like a simple pick me up, like for me, I love to have a moment after the gym versus going into the gym because it just really helps re energize me. And then in the evening, if you want to wind down after a long, busy day and enjoy a delicious mocktail without the hangover, then Moment is great for that too. One of the best parts for me with Moment is I feel like it's a really conscientious brand. They donate 1 percent of all their sales to mental health non profits. So you can feel good about supporting greater causes as well. Head over to drinkmoment. com and use my code TSB23 to receive 12 percent off your very first order. Let's be moment buddies. We can both have moments together.
the-sober-butterfly_8_08-18-2024_093037:Okay, so that's pretty much all I have for you guys Those are the essentials that I pack when I go on trips. I'll actually be sharing on my social handles. So you can find me at the period sober butterfly on Instagram and on tick tock and on YouTube. as much as I love making this podcast, I feel like I'm on the brink of a burnout a little bit, which is why this vacation is coming at the perfect time. So I will see you guys in September. I'll be sharing on social, how this trip is going. So don't worry, you will see me I'm not disappearing for good, but I am going to take a little bit of a break. And I'm not sorry about it. I love you guys so much. So please stay connected with me, via. Instagram via tech talk via YouTube. I would love to hear what you guys think and if you have some travel essentials that I did not name here to sustain or help your sobriety. I would love to hear all about that as well. In the meantime, I love you guys and I'll see you in September. I love fall. It's my favorite season. So I'll be coming back stronger than ever with tons of updates and new episodes for you guys. Thank you for an amazing summer and I will see you next season. Bye.